Location Search (Tyrone)

Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus gallinae

Host species: Homo sapiens
Sleeman, D.P., 1981. Fleas from Irish mammals. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 20(6): 244-247., p.433.
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Ctenocephalides canis

Host species: Unknown host
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Ctenocephalides felis felis

Host species: Unknown host
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis spp.

Host species: Apodemus sylvaticus
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Host species: Mustela vison
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis vulgaris

Ischnopsyllus Hexactenopsylla hexactenus

Host species: Plecotus auritus
Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443.
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O’Mahony, E., 1939. A preliminary list of Irish fleas. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 75: 124-126., p.320.
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Ischnopsyllus Ischnopsyllus intermedius

Host species: Nyctalus leisleri
Carlisle, R.W. & Skillen, S., 1960. Fleas from Irish Bats. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 13(8): 185-186., p.63.
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443.
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Nosopsyllus Nosopsyllus fasciatus

Host species: Mustela vison
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Pulex Pulex irritans

Host species: Homo sapiens
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. More records of fleas from Irish mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 22(4): 259-263., p.150.
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Host species: Unknown host
Sleeman, D.P., 1981. Fleas from Irish mammals. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 20(6): 244-247., p.433.
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Spilopsyllus cuniculi

Host species: Lepus europaeus
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146.
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445.
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith