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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus farreni farreni
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George, R.S., 1991. Three species of house martin fleas (Siphonaptera) added to the list for Co. Down. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 23(12): 506-507., p.201. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus gallinae
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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George, R.S., 1991. Three species of house martin fleas (Siphonaptera) added to the list for Co. Down. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 23(12): 506-507., p.201. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Fairley, J.S. & Clark, F.L., 1973. Further records of fleas from Irish birds and mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 24(4): 347-348., p.155. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus hirundinis
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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George, R.S., 1991. Three species of house martin fleas (Siphonaptera) added to the list for Co. Down. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 23(12): 506-507., p.201. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus rusticus
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George, R.S., 1991. Three species of house martin fleas (Siphonaptera) added to the list for Co. Down. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 23(12): 506-507., p.201. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx jordani
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Skillen, S. & Carlisle, R.W., 1960. Ceratophyllus styx jordani Smit, 1955. Irish Naturalist’s Journal XIII(8): 190-191., p.428. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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, & Ward, R.D., 1984. Aspects of the population structure of the sand martin flea, Ceratophyllus styx, in Britain. Journal of Natural History 18: 475-484., p.349. |
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Fairley, J.S. & Clark, F.L., 1972. Further records of fleas from Irish birds and mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 23(1): 66-68., p.152. |
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Ceratophyllus Emmareus columbae
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Ceratophyllus Monopsyllus sciurorum sciurorum
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Sleeman, D.P., 1979. Records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from some Ulster mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 30(3): 215-218., p.432. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Ctenocephalides canis
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Ctenocephalides felis felis
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis nobilis
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. More records of fleas from Irish mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 22(4): 259-263., p.150. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis spp.
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. New data on the Irish stoat. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 17(2): 49-57., p.149. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Dasypsyllus Dasypsyllus gallinulae gallinulae
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Fairley, J.S. & Forster, R., 1979. Further records of fleas from Irish birds and mammals (third series). Entomologist’s Gazette 30(1): 56-58., p.156. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Smiddy, P. & Sleeman, D.P., 1993. Avian fleas in Ireland: a review of their distribution and hosts. Irish Birds 5: 55-60., p.448. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Doratopsylla dasycnema dasycnema
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Doratopsylla dasycnema, a flea previously unrecorded in Ireland. Irish Naturalist 14(6): 122., p.140. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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Hystrichopsylla talpae talpae
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. More records of fleas from Irish mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 22(4): 259-263., p.150. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Ischnopsyllus Hexactenopsylla hexactenus
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443. |
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1956. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.II: Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Hypsophthalmidae and Xiphiopsyllidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.235. |
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Ischnopsyllus Ischnopsyllus intermedius
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443. |
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Carlisle, R.W. & Skillen, S., 1960. Fleas from Irish Bats. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 13(8): 185-186., p.63. |
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Ischnopsyllus Ischnopsyllus octactenus
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1956. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.II: Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Hypsophthalmidae and Xiphiopsyllidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.235. |
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443. |
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Reference | |
Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1956. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.II: Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Hypsophthalmidae and Xiphiopsyllidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.235. |
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443. |
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Reference | |
Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1956. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.II: Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Hypsophthalmidae and Xiphiopsyllidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.235. |
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Sleeman, D.P. & Smiddy, P., 1994. Bat fleas in Ireland: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 24(11): 444-448., p.443. |
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Leptopsylla Leptosylla segnis
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Nosopsyllus Nosopsyllus fasciatus
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. More records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(4): 295-299., p.147. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Roberts, C.J., 1972. Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain. The Entomologist 105: 245-250., p.350. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. New data on the Irish stoat. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 17(2): 49-57., p.149. |
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Palaeopsylla soricis soricis
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Reference | |
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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Fairley, J.S. & Clark, F.L., 1973. Further records of fleas from Irish birds and mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 24(4): 347-348., p.155. |
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Paraceras melis melis
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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Pulex Pulex irritans
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Fairley, J.S. & Forster, R., 1979. Further records of fleas from Irish birds and mammals (third series). Entomologist’s Gazette 30(1): 56-58., p.156. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1971. More records of fleas from Irish mammals (second series). Entomologist’s Gazette 22(4): 259-263., p.150. |
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Spilopsyllus cuniculi
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. More records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(4): 295-299., p.147. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Mead-Briggs, A.R. & Page, R.J.C., 1967. Ectoparasites from hares collected throughout the United Kingdom, January-March, 1964. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 103(1232-1234): 26-34., p.290. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Reference | |
Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Reference | |
, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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Typhloceras poppei poppei
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Fairley, J.S., 1963. Fleas from the Fieldmouse Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) in Co. Down. The Irish Naturalist’s Journal 14(7): 145-149., p.141. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Archaeopsylla erinacei erinacei
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1953. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.I: Tungidae, Pulicidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.234. |
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, & Moore, P., 1996. The fleas of Irish terrestrial mammals: a review. Irish Naturalist’s Journal 25(7): 237-248., p.445. |
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Fairley, J.S., 1970. Some new records of fleas from Irish mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 21(1): 21-22., p.146. |
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