Location Search (Kent)

Amalaraeus penicilliger mustelae

Host species: Clethrionomys glareolus
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Host species: Micromys minutus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus farreni farreni

Host species: Delichon urbica
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus fringillae

Host species: Passer domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Sturnus vulgaris
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus gallinae

Host species: Homo sapiens
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Muscicapa striata
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Host species: Parus caeruleus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Parus spp.
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Passer domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
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Host species: Sturnus vulgaris
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Turdus merula
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus hirundinis

Host species: Delichon urbica
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus rusticus

Host species: Delichon urbica
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx styx

Host species: Riparia riparia
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Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus vagabundus insularis

Host species: Ardea cinerea
Welch, R.C., 1974. New flea and Coleoptera records from heron’s nests in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 109: 236-237., p.562.
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Ceratophyllus Emmareus garei

Host species: Alauda arvensis
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Host species: Anas platyrhynchos
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Host species: Anthus pratensis
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Host species: Oenanthe oenanthe
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Passer domesticus
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Host species: Sturnus vulgaris
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Host species: Turdus merula
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Ceratophyllus Monopsyllus sciurorum sciurorum

Ctenocephalides canis

Host species: Canis familiaris
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Ctenocephalides felis felis

Host species: Homo sapiens
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus bisoctodentatus heselhausi

Host species: Talpa europaea
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis nobilis

Host species: Apodemus flavicollis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Apodemus spp.
Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368.
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Host species: Apodemus sylvaticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Clethrionomys glareolus
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Host species: Micromys minutus
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Microtus agrestis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Host species: Rattus norvegicus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460.
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Dasypsyllus Dasypsyllus gallinulae gallinulae

Host species: Apodemus spp.
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Host species: Parus caeruleus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Parus major
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Passer domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Troglodytes troglodytes
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Doratopsylla dasycnema dasycnema

Host species: Sorex araneus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Hystrichopsylla talpae talpae

Host species: Apodemus spp.
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Host species: Apodemus sylvaticus
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Walker, J.J., 1898. Hystricopsylla talpae, Curt. (obtusiceps, Rits.), at Chatham. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 34: 63., p.543.
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Host species: Microtus agrestis
Walker, J.J., 1898. Hystricopsylla talpae, Curt. (obtusiceps, Rits.), at Chatham. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 34: 63., p.543.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Chitty, A.J., 1898. Hystrichopsylla talpae, Grav., at Dodington, Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 34: 280., p.74.
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Host species: Unknown host
Yerbury, J.W., 1908. Insects, Diptera. Page, W., The Victoria history of the county of Kent. London 1: 103-225 [Siph.: 209]., p.576.
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Walker, J.J., 1894. (Hystricopsylla talpae from Kent). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London (1894): xxviii., p.542.
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Leptopsylla Leptosylla segnis

Host species: Apodemus sylvaticus
Walker, J.J., 1898. Hystricopsylla talpae, Curt. (obtusiceps, Rits.), at Chatham. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 34: 63., p.543.
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Host species: Mus domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Megabothris Gebiella turbidus

Host species: Microtus agrestis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Megabothris Megabothris walkeri

Host species: Apodemus spp.
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Rothschild, N.C., 1902. New British fleas. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 38(461): 225., p.381.
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Host species: Microtus agrestis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Nosopsyllus Nosopsyllus fasciatus

Host species: Apodemus flavicollis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Apodemus sylvaticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Clethrionomys glareolus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Columba oenas
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Mustela erminea
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Host species: Mustela nivalis
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Host species: Micromys minutus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Microtus agrestis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Mus domesticus
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1961. Fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 96(1154-1156): 199-200., p.284.
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Host species: Rattus norvegicus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Rattus rattus
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Nosopsyllus Nosopsyllus londiniensis londiniensis

Host species: Canis familiaris
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Host species: Mus domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
Rothschild, N.C., 1915. A synopsis of the British Siphonaptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 51(610): 49-112., p.402.
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Orchopeas howardi howardi

Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Sciurus sp.
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Dasgupta, B. & Meedeniya, K., 1958. The vector of Hepatozoon sciuri. Parasitology 48: 419-422., p.108.
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Host species: Unknown host
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Palaeopsylla soricis soricis

Host species: Micromys minutus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Mus domesticus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Sorex araneus
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
Smit, F.G.A.M., 1960. Notes on Palaeopsylla, a genus of Siphonaptera. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 9(7): 369-386., p.464.
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Peromyscopsylla spectabilis

Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Unknown host
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Pulex Pulex irritans

Host species: Canis familiaris
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Host species: Homo sapiens
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Rhadinopsylla Actenophthalmus pentacantha

Host species: Microtus agrestis
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1963. Further records of fleas occurring as stragglers on rabbits collected in Kent. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 99(1184-1186): 25-26., p.285.
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Host species: Small mammal
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Spilopsyllus cuniculi

Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Lockie, J.D., 1956. More Light on Myxomatosis. Scottish Agriculture 36: 44-45., p.266.
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Thompson, H.V., 1956. Myxomatosis: a survey. Agriculture 63(2): 51-57., p.525.
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1959. The larva of Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale) (Siphonaptera). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (A) 34:27-33., p.283.
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Archaeopsylla erinacei erinacei

Host species: Canis familiaris
Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Host species: Erinaceus europaeus
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Philp, E.G., 1962. Siphonaptera from Kent – I. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 97: 254-258., p.346.
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith