Location Search (Inverness-shire)

Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx styx

Host species: Riparia riparia
Rothschild, M., 1952. A collection of fleas from the bodies of British birds, with notes on their distribution and host preferences. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 2(4): 187-232., p.355.
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus bisoctodentatus heselhausi

Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis spp.

Doratopsylla dasycnema dasycnema

Host species: Sorex araneus
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Hystrichopsylla talpae talpae

Ischnopsyllus Ischnopsyllus octactenus

Host species: Bat spp.
Waterston, J., 1914. Some records of Scottish Siphonaptera. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 50: 88-91, 159-166., p.559.
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Megabothris Gebiella rectangulatus

Palaeopsylla minor

Palaeopsylla soricis soricis

Host species: Sorex araneus
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Rhadinopsylla Actenophthalmus integella

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith