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Amalaraeus penicilliger mustelae
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Morley, C., 1948. The Diptera of Suffolk. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalist’s Society 6: 94-104., p.307. |
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus gallinae
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, & Holmes, R.G., 1968. Some ectoparasites of the coypu (Myocaster coypus) in Eastern England. Journal of Animal Ecology 37(2): 471-481., p.312. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus hirundinis
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Thompson, G.B., 1937. The parasites of British birds and mammals. XIII. Records of Siphonaptera bred from birds’ nests. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 73: 105-107., p.497. |
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Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27. |
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx jordani
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Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368. |
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Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx spp.
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Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368. |
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Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460. |
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx styx
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, & Ward, R.D., 1984. Aspects of the population structure of the sand martin flea, Ceratophyllus styx, in Britain. Journal of Natural History 18: 475-484., p.349. |
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Ceratophyllus Emmareus garei
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Clark, F., 1978. Some records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from English birds and mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 29(4): 258-260., p.79. |
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Ceratophyllus Monopsyllus sciurorum sciurorum
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Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424. |
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Ctenocephalides canis
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Paget, C.J. & Paget, J., 1834. Sketch of the natural history of Yarmouth and its neighbourhood. Yarmouth, p.42., p.337. |
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Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27. |
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Ctenocephalides felis felis
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1953. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.I: Tungidae, Pulicidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.234. |
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis nobilis
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Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368. |
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Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460. |
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Ischnopsyllus Ischnopsyllus octactenus
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1956. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.II: Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Hypsophthalmidae and Xiphiopsyllidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.235. |
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Megabothris Megabothris walkeri
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Nosopsyllus Nosopsyllus fasciatus
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Mead-Briggs, A.R. & Page, R.J.C., 1964. Fleas other than Spilopsyllus cuniculi Dale from a collection of rabbits, predominantly myxomatous, obtained throughout Great Britain. Entomologist’s Gazette 15(2): 60-63., p.289. |
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Bacot, A.W., 1914. A study of the bionomics of the common rat fleas and other species associated with human habitations, with special reference to the influence of temperature and humidity at various periods of the life history of the insect. Journal of Hygiene (Cambridge) 13: Plague Suppl. 3: 447-654., p.13. |
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Minchin, E.A. & Thomson, J.D., 1910. The transmission of Trypanosoma lewisi by the rat-flea (Ceratophyllus fasciatus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 82: 273-285., p.299. |
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Minchin, E.A. & Thomson, J.D., 1915. The rat-trypanosome, Trypanosoma lewisi, in its relation to the rat-flea Ceratophyllus fasciatus. The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 60(4): 463-692., p.300. |
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Orchopeas howardi howardi
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Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424. |
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Pulex Pulex irritans
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Paget, C.J. & Paget, J., 1834. Sketch of the natural history of Yarmouth and its neighbourhood. Yarmouth, p.42., p.337. |
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Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27. |
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Rhadinopsylla Actenophthalmus pentacantha
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1962. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.III: Hystrichopsyllidae (Acedestiinae, Anomiopsyllinae, Hystrichopsyllinae, Neopsyllinae, Rhadinopsyllinae and Stenoponiinae). London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.236. |
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Spilopsyllus cuniculi
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309. |
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1953. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.I: Tungidae, Pulicidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.234. |
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Mead-Briggs, A.R., 1964. Records of rabbit fleas, Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale), from every county in Great Britain with notes on infestation rates. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 100:8-17., p.286. |
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Clark, F., 1978. Some records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from English birds and mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 29(4): 258-260., p.79. |
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Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424. |
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1953. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.I: Tungidae, Pulicidae. London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.234. |
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Typhloceras poppei poppei
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Hopkins, G.H.E. & Rothschild, M., 1962. An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Vol.III: Hystrichopsyllidae (Acedestiinae, Anomiopsyllinae, Hystrichopsyllinae, Neopsyllinae, Rhadinopsyllinae and Stenoponiinae). London. The Trustees of the British Museum., p.236. |
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Archaeopsylla erinacei erinacei
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, & Reynolds, D.J., 1991. Zoonoses and other findings in hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus):a survey of mortality and review of the literature. Veterinary Record 128(11): 245-249, p.257. |
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