Location Search (Norfolk)

Amalaraeus penicilliger mustelae

Host species: Apodemus flavicollis
Morley, C., 1948. The Diptera of Suffolk. Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalist’s Society 6: 94-104., p.307.
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Host species: Unknown host
Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus hirundinis

Host species: Delichon urbica
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Host species: Riparia riparia
Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27.
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx jordani

Host species: Riparia riparia
Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368.
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Host species: Unknown host
Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460.
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Ceratophyllus Ceratophyllus styx spp.

Host species: Riparia riparia
Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368.
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Host species: Unknown host
Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460.
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Ceratophyllus Emmareus garei

Ceratophyllus Monopsyllus sciurorum sciurorum

Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424.
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Host species: Sciurus vulgaris
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Host species: Unknown host
Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Ctenocephalides canis

Host species: Unknown host
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Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27.
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Ctenophthalmus Ctenophthalmus nobilis nobilis

Host species: Apodemus spp.
Rothschild, M. & Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. The distribution of Ctenophthalmus nobilis and Ceratophyllus styx in Britain. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 356-372., p.368.
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Host species: Unknown host
Smit, F.G.A.M., 1955. Two new subspecies of fleas (Siphonaptera) from the British Isles. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 107: 341-356., p.460.
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Orchopeas howardi howardi

Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424.
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Pulex Pulex irritans

Host species: Unknown host
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Bloomfield, E.N., 1903. Norfolk Diptera. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 7: 541-551., p.27.
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Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Spilopsyllus cuniculi

Host species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Morley, C. & Atmore, E.A., 1915. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society 10 (Suppl.): 1-180., p.309.
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Clark, F., 1978. Some records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from English birds and mammals. Entomologist’s Gazette 29(4): 258-260., p.79.
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Host species: Sciurus carolinensis
Simmons, I., 1984. A new flea for Norfolk. Transactions of the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society 26(5): 316., p.424.
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Host species: Vulpes vulpes
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Archaeopsylla erinacei erinacei

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith