
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Pearce, E.K.1915Typical flies. A photographic atlas of Diptera, including Aphaniptera.
Pearman, J.V.1926Report of Entomological section.
Peirce, M.A., Neal C.1974Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) pestanai in British badgers (Meles meles).
Pelham-Clinton, E.C.1962Some records of Siphonaptera previously unrecorded from Scotland.
Phillips, N.R., Underwood P.J.1961Ctenopthalmus congener congener Roths., and other fleas, recorded from Essex
Philp, E.G.1962Siphonaptera from Kent – I.
Rayment, F.1995Nests too dry for fleas?
Redgate, N.D.1989Ischnopsyllus octactenus (Kolenati) (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae): a new vice county record.
Roberts, C.J.1972Further information concerning the distribution and hosts of Siphonaptera in Great Britain.
Ross, J.G., Fairley J.S.1969Studies of disease in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Northern Ireland.
Rothschild, M.1973[Exhibit of a female Pulex irritans from a tenth century Viking pit nr Dublin, Eire].
Rothschild, M.1963A rise in the flea-index on the hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas) with relevant notes on the fox (Vulpes vulpes (L.)) and wood-pigeon (Columba palumbus L.) at Ashton, Peterborough.
Rothschild, M.1963A further note on Ceratophyllus rusticus Wagner (1903) (Siphonaptera) at Ashton Wold.
Rothschild, M.1958Fleas from the nest of the St. Kilda wren (Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis (Seeb.).
Rothschild, M.1958The bird fleas of Fair Isle.
Rothschild, M.1957The sand martin flea at Oundle, Northamptonshire.
Rothschild, M.1955The distribution of Ceratophyllus borealis Rothschild, 1906, and C. garei Rothschild, 1902, with records of specimens intermediate between the two.
Rothschild, M.1952A collection of fleas from the bodies of British birds, with notes on their distribution and host preferences.
Rothschild, M.1948Bird fleas collected by Miss Theresa Clay, Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen and Captain W. H. Pollen in the Island of Ushant, Brittany, France, with a note on the distribution of C. borealis R. 1907.
Rothschild, M.1947A note on Ceratophyllus rusticus Wagner (1903) (Siphonaptera) at Ashton Wold.
Rothschild, M.1936Megabothris rectangulatus Wahlg. 1903, a flea new to Great Britain.
Rothschild, N.C.1916The occurrence of Xenopsylla cheopis Roths. in Bristol.
Rothschild, N.C.1915A synopsis of the British Siphonaptera.
Rothschild, N.C.1913Description of the male of Ceratophyllus borealis Roths. (1906).
Rothschild, N.C.1913The host of Ornithopsylla laetitiae Rothsch.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith