
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Nuttall, G.H.F.1908The transmission of Trypanosoma lewisi by fleas and lice.
Nuttall, G.H.F., Strickland C.1913Report on rat-fleas in Cambridgeshire.
O’Gorman, F.1965Ischnopsyllus octactenus (Kolenati) (Siphonaptera, Ischnopsyllidae) a bat flea from mid County Cork.
O’Gorman, F., Claassens A.J.M.1965Sex ratios of fleas from Irish bats.
O’Gorman, F., Claassens A.J.M.1965Siphonaptera new to Co Kilkenny.
O’Gorman, F., Claassens A.J.M.1965The second record of Ischnopsyllus (Ischnopsyllus) simplex simplex Rothschild 1906 (Siphonaptera) in Ireland.
O’Mahony, E.1950Ectoparasites from Fair Isle – 2.
O’Mahony, E.1949The fleas of the North Bull Island, Dublin Bay.
O’Mahony, E.1949Ectoparasites from Fair Island – 1.
O’Mahony, E.1948Some miscellaneous Siphonaptera.
O’Mahony, E.1948Some Scottish Siphonaptera.
O’Mahony, E.1947Leptinus testaceus Müll. (Col., Leptinidae), additional Irish records.
O’Mahony, E.1947The mammal ectoparasites of the North Bull Island, Dublin Bay.
O’Mahony, E.1944A note on some Irish Anoplura Siphunculata.
O’Mahony, E.1942Notes on Irish Siphonaptera. V.
O’Mahony, E.1941Notes on Irish Siphonaptera. III.
O’Mahony, E.1941Notes on Irish Siphonaptera. IV.
O’Mahony, E.1940Notes on Irish Siphonaptera. II.
O’Mahony, E.1939A preliminary list of Irish fleas.
O’Mahony, E.1939Notes on Irish Siphonaptera. I.
Owen, D.F., Ash J.S.1955Additional records of Protocalliphora (Diptera) in birds’ nests.
Paget, C.J., Paget J.1834Sketch of the natural history of Yarmouth and its neighbourhood.
Palmer, R.F., Skillen S.1962Fleas from Irish bats.
Patton, W.S.1931Insects, ticks, mites and venomous animals of Medical and Veterinary Importance (Part II Public Health).
Pearce, E.J.1923Siphonaptera in Islay, Hebrides.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith