
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Rothschild, N.C.1912A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1911Xenopsylla cheopis Rothsch. in London.
Rothschild, N.C.1911A further note on Xenopsylla cheopis Rothsch.
Rothschild, N.C.1910A synopsis of the fleas found on Mus norwegicus decumanus, Mus rattus alexandrinus and Mus musculus.
Rothschild, N.C.1909On Ctenopsyllus spectabilis and some closely allied species.
Rothschild, N.C.1909Notes on the five-combed bat-fleas forming the genus Nycteridopsylla Oudemans.
Rothschild, N.C.1908A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1908A new species of bat-flea from Great Britain.
Rothschild, N.C.1907A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1907A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1906A new British flea: Ceratophyllus insularis, spec. nov.
Rothschild, N.C.1905A new British flea: Ceratophyllus farreni, spec. nov.
Rothschild, N.C.1905Occurrence of Pulex cheopis, Rothsch., at Plymouth.
Rothschild, N.C.1903A new British flea, Ceratophyllus dalei, sp. nov.
Rothschild, N.C.1903A new British flea: Ceratophyllus londiniensis.
Rothschild, N.C.1903A new British flea: Typhloceras poppei, Wagner.
Rothschild, N.C.1903Ceratophyllus fringillae, Walker.
Rothschild, N.C.1903Types of Siphonaptera in the Daleian Collection.
Rothschild, N.C.1902New British fleas.
Rothschild, N.C.1901A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1900A new British flea.
Rothschild, N.C.1900The giant flea: Hystrichopsylla talpae.
Rothschild, N.C.1900Notes on Pulex avium Taschb.
Rothschild, N.C.1899Irish fleas.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith