
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Clark, F.1998Prevalence of the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis and oocyte development during autumn and winter in Leicester City, U.K.
Clark, F.1989Studies on three congeneric species of fleas [Ceratophyllus] (Siphonaptera) from the nests of Delichon urbica urbica in England. (Abstract)
Clark, F.1978Some records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from English birds and mammals.
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Clark, F., Hill L.A.1999The colonisation of artificial house martin (Delichon urbica L.) nests by ectoparasites (Siphonaptera: Diptera: Hemiptera: Acari).
Clark, F., McNeil D.A.C.1991Temporal variation in the population densities of fleas in house martin nests (Delichon u. urbica) (Linnaeus) in Leicestershire, UK.
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Clark, F., McNeil D.A.C.1981Geographical distribution of house martin fleas in Leicestershire.
Clark, F., McNeil D.A.C.1981The variation in population densities of fleas in house martin nests in Leicestershire.
Clegg, T.M.1965Nosopsyllus londiniensis (Rothschild) (Siphonaptera, Ceratophyllidae) in a south Yorkshire coal-mine.
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Corbet, G.B.1964Records of small mammals and their parasites from the Islands of Scarba and Luing, Inner Hebrides.
Cotton, M.J.1970The reproductive biology of Ctenophthalmus nobilis (Rothschild) (Siphonaptera).
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Cotton, M.J.1961Fleas (Siphonaptera) recorded from Lundy Island.
Cotton, M.J.1960Siphonaptera from Northumberland.
Couatarmanac’h, A., Linn I.J.1988Two fleas (Siphonaptera) new to the Lundy list: Were there once woodmice Apodemus sylvaticus on the island?
Coward, P.S.1991Fleas in southern England.
Cowx, N.C.1967Some aspects of the ecology and biology of some small mammal fleas from Yorkshire.
Curtis, J.1832CERATOPHYLLUS ELONGATUS. Yellow Bat's Flea.
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith