
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Bloomfield, E.N.1903Norfolk Diptera.
Bloomfield, E.N.1898The natural history of Hastings and St. Leonards and the vicinity. 3rd supplement.
Bloomfield, E.N.1888The natural history of Hastings and St. Leonards and the vicinity. 2nd Supplement.
Bolam, R.M., Burtt E.T.1956Flea infestation as a cause of papular urticaria: a preliminary investigation.
Bold, T.J.1870Entomological notes for the year 1869.
Boycott, A.E.1912The reaction to flea-bites.
Boyd, J.M.1959Observations on the St. Kilda field mouse Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis Barrett-Hamilton.
Boyd, A.W.1935Notes on the tree sparrow.
Boyd, A.W.1931Notes on the tree sparrow.
Boyd, J.E.M.1922The botany and natural history of the dyke-land near Sandwich, Kent, as far as they concern medical entomology.
Britt, D.P.1982Possible phoretic association between mallophagan and flea ectoparasite of the badger, Meles meles (L.).
Britt, D.P., Molyneux D.H.1983Phoretic associations between hypopi of Acarus nidicolous (Acari, Astigmata, Acaridae) and fleas of British small mammals.
Britt, D.P., Molyneux D.H.1979Parasites of grey squirrels in Cheshire, England.
Britten, H.1950Insects and Acari in 1948-1949.
Britten, H.1949Insects and Acari in 1947.
Britten, H.1948Insecta during 1944.
Britten, H.1948Insecta in 1946.
Britten, H.1938Siphonaptera.
Britten, H.1936Insects and Acari.
Britten, H.1935Insects and Acari.
Britten, H.1933Insects new to Lancashire and Cheshire during 1932.
Britten, H.1932Insects new to Lancashire and Cheshire during 1931.
Britten, H.1931Additions to the insect fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire for the years 1929-30.
Britten, H.1930Siphonaptera.
Britten, H.1923Siphonaptera. A new Cheshire record for 1922.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith