
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Shipley, A.E.1909Note re rat parasites.
Shipley, A.E.1908Interim report on the parasites of grouse.
Shorten, M., Courtier F.A.1955A population study of the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in May, 1954.
Sikes, E.K.1930Bairamlia fuscipes Waterson, a chalcidoid parasite on Ceratophyllus wickhami Baker (Siphonaptera).
Sikes, E.K.1930Larvae of Ceratophyllus wickhami and other species of fleas.
Simmons, I.1984A new flea for Norfolk.
Simmons, W.1857Diptera.
Simpson, J.J.1926Report on rats and their parasitic fleas.
Sinclair, W.1964Rhadinopsylla integella Jordan & Rothschild from Inverness-shire (Siphonaptera).
Skillen, S., Carlisle R.W.1960Ceratophyllus styx jordani Smit, 1955.
Slater, H.H.1930Aphaniptera (Siphonaptera).
Slater, H.H.1927Siphonaptera.
Slater, H.H.1925Siphonaptera (Aphaniptera) – Fleas.
Sleeman, D.P.1990Bat flea, Ischnopsyllus elongatus (Curtis) (Siphonaptera) new to Ireland.
Sleeman, D.P.1989Ectoparasites of the Irish stoat.
Sleeman, D.P.1988Ectoparasite records from wild mammals in Hampshire.
Sleeman, D.P.1987Records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from Irish stoats.
Sleeman, D.P.1986Insect ectoparasites of Irish grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin).
Sleeman, D.P.1986Recent records of Irish fleas (Siphonaptera).
Sleeman, D.P.1983Parasites of deer in Ireland.
Sleeman, D.P.1983Rhadinopsylla pentacantha (Rothschild), a rare flea from a wood mouse.
Sleeman, D.P.1981Fleas from Irish mammals.
Sleeman, D.P.1979Records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from some Ulster mammals.
Sleeman, P., Kelly T.1987Records of fleas (Siphonaptera) from common rats in Ireland.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith