
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Thompson, G.B.1961The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXXVI. New records of bat parasites.
Thompson, G.B.1961The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXXVII. The ectoparasites of the badger (Meles meles meles L.).
Thompson, G.B.1958The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXXIII – The insect ectoparasites of the house sparrow (Passer d. domesticus L.).
Thompson, G.B.1957Ectoparasites.
Thompson, G.B.1956Ectoparasites from Skokholm Bird Observatory.
Thompson, G.B.1956Ectoparasites from birds and mammals at Bardsey.
Thompson, H.V.1956Myxomatosis: a survey.
Thompson, G.B.1955Ectoparasites from Skokholm bird observatory.
Thompson, G.B.1955Ectoparasites.
Thompson, G.B.1955The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXIX. Some interesting records of bird-fleas (Siphonaptera).
Thompson, G.B.1954Ectoparasites.
Thompson, G.B.1954The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXVII. Some notes on Ceratophyllus borealis Rothschild (1907) (Siphonaptera).
Thompson, G.B.1954Ectoparasites from birds at Bardsey.
Thompson, G.B.1953Notes on ectoparasites.
Thompson, G.B.1953The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXVI. Further notes on sand martins’ fleas.
Thompson, G.B.1953[Details of ectoparasites from birds at Spurn], included in the ‘The Spurn Bird Observatory’ by G.H. Ainsworth and R. Chislett (pages 70-72).
Thompson, G.B.1953Ectoparasites from birds at Bardsey Island.
Thompson, H.V.1953The edible dormouse (Glis glis) in England, 1902-1951.
Thompson, G.B.1952A record of Echidnophaga gallinaceus (Westwood) (Siphonaptera) from Skokholm Island.
Thompson, G.B.1952Fleas from Skokholm Island.
Thompson, G.B.1952The parasites of British birds and mammals. XXIV. Sand martins’ fleas.
Thompson, G.B.1938Ectoparasites.
Thompson, G.B.1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XII. On some parasites from the burrows of puffins.
Thompson, G.B.1937The parasites of British birds and mammals. XIII. Records of Siphonaptera bred from birds’ nests.
Thompson, G.B.1936The parasites of British birds and mammals. VI. Some parasites of the red deer and wild cat.
Thompson, G.B.1936The parasites of British birds and mammals. VIII. Some additional records of bat parasites.
Thompson, G.B.1935The parasites of British birds and mammals. III. On some parasites living in the nest of the house martin (Chelidon u. urbica Linn.).
Thompson, G.B.1935The parasites of British birds and mammals. IV. Records of bat parasites.
Thompson, G.B.1935The parasites of British birds and mammals. IV. [V]. Records of mammal parasites.
Thompson, G.B.1934The parasites of British birds and mammals. I. Notes and records.
Thompson, G.B.1934The parasites of British birds and mammals. II. Records of Ixodoidea (ticks).
Thompson, G.B., Harper G.M.1963Fleas from Bardsey choughs.
Titchener, R.N.1983The use of Permethrin to control an outbreak of hen fleas (Ceratophyllus gallinae).
Titchener, R.N.1979Infestation of broiler breeder houses with hen fleas.
Tooby, J.1947Notes on sand-martins.
Turk, F.A.1946The Siphonaptera of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, with the description of a new subspecies.
Twigg, G.I.1966Notes on the invertebrate fauna of some grey squirrel dreys.
Usher, M.B.1968Megabothris turbidus (Rothschild), a flea new to Scotland.
Usher, M.B.1968A new species of bird flea from the Manx Shearwater in Scotland.
Usher, M.B.1968Notes on Ctenophthalmus nobilis (Rothschild) (Siphonaptera: Hystrichopsyllidae) and other mole fleas in Scotland.
Varma, M.G.R., Page R.J.C.1966The epidemiology of louping ill in Ayrshire, Scotland: ectoparasites of small mammals. I. (Siphonaptera).
Vaughan, J.A.1977Straggler fleas found on rabbits collected in Surrey and on myxomatous rabbits collected throughout Britain.
Verdcourt, B.1949Miscellaneous records of Arachnida and Insecta from N. W. Hertfordshire.
Verdcourt, B.1945Records of the Bedfordshire Siphonaptera.
Verrall, G.H.1878The natural history of Hastings and St. Leonards and the vicinity.
Verrall, G.H.1875(Exhibit of rabbit fleas) (1878) The natural history of Hastings and St. Leonards and the vicinity. Hastings, p.35.
Walker, J.J.1907Medon castaneus, Grav., and other Coleoptera in moles’ nests near Oxford.
Walker, J.J.1906(Hystricopsylla talpae from Hants).
Walker, J.J.1905(Hystricopsylla talpae in Oxford district).
Walker, J.J.1898Hystricopsylla talpae, Curt. (obtusiceps, Rits.), at Chatham.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith